Russia: Moving forward. Are you listening EU?

Michael Donow
3 min readMar 9, 2022

The subject of this decade is and always will be global climate change.

The invasion of Ukraine can only be seen as a “changing of the subject” in geopolitical terms. Viewing the scene from this perspective shows glaring long-term opportunities.

It will be quite expensive at first, but once the program is set, can only yield tremendous returns on investment within a generation.

It is time to look at Russia and its future. Russia is fundamentally a Eurocentric nation. So, why not create the conditions for Russian entry into the European Union?

How to do that? First, you organize the EU for that project. Create a Marshall Plan to sustain the Russian people, expansion of careers, wage growth, health improvements, expansion of human rights, and vision of a solid future for the long-suffering Russian people. Array the world militarily to make this the only best choice for the Russian leadership.

Via diplomatic and military channels, sell the plans to the Russian elites and military allowing them to push Putin out — preferably to The Hague. Protect the Russian people with financial support for five years while Russia transitions. Create jobs and industries to build up the employment base. Dismantle the Russian military and begin the process of nuclear disarmament. Convert Russian economy, justice system, and bureaucracy to conform to the EU standard. And fully support the people throughout this transition.

In a generation or two, Russia should be a productive, happy contributor to the EU and world economy. EU would have access to Pacific ports. No longer would there be a massive threat from Asia. EU Regulators would control a massive share of petroleum resources slowly weaning the world off fossil fuels. US could relax militarily allowing for more domestic spending and with hope nuclear disarmament.

Opportunities provided by a free Russia are too numerous to count.

* Access to the resources (diamonds, aluminum, asbestos, gemstones, diamonds, lime, lead, gypsum, iron, bauxite, gallium, boron, mica, natural gas, potash, platinum, oil, rare earth metals, pig iron, peat, nitrogen, cadmium, arsenic, magnesium, molybdenum, phosphate, sulfur, titanium sponge, silicon, uranium, tellurium, vanadium, tungsten, cobalt, graphite, silver, vermiculite, selenium, rhenium, copper, and gold) that would fuel the dynamic growth of a European Russia, investment and development is needed.

* Tourism and travel across the vast expanse of an under-explored region of this planet with swift access to China, India, and the Pacific Ocean via construction of high-speed maglev trains traveling upwards of 200–300mph across Asia connecting Europe with cities in the Asian south and east without expending any carbon.

* High-speed freight conduits across the continent would eliminate the need for polluting container ships and actually get the container to destination faster.

* Russian people (146 million) would be integrated into the European diaspora increasing the Euro Area GDP share which is dropping currently. The whole continent would operate on one currency. People could live and work anywhere in the EU from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific. Adding Russian workers and investors would be great business move for the EU.

* Climate Smoothing is just simpler without a petro-tyrant on the scene. Electrifying human and freight mobility using sustainable non-carbon sources is a huge net win for the globe. Removing a major source of petroleum from the world market, is a major net win. Having atomic energy in stable ethical hands is more assuring than in unstable hands also a net win.

It is time the world leaders put on their big-boy pants and face this monster head on. Using diplomacy and reason, we might avoid major loss of life by asking Russia from within to choose its path forward. It is time to get creative.

The ability to see a bright future allows one to see the opportunities before us today.

Please pass this idea along.



Michael Donow

Transit Operator, home farmer, thinker & dreamer, and all-round decent guy.